Haase, Frederik’s team published research in Journal of the American Chemical Society in 2020 | CAS: 696-59-3

2,5-Dimethoxytetrahydrofuran(cas: 696-59-3) is a member of ether. Friedel Crafts reaction, for example, adds an alkyl or acyl group to aromatic ethers when they react with an alkyl or acyl halide in the presence of a Lewis acid as a catalyst.Application In Synthesis of 2,5-Dimethoxytetrahydrofuran

《Pseudo-5-Fold-Symmetrical Ligand Drives Geometric Frustration in Porous Metal-Organic and Hydrogen-Bonded Frameworks》 was written by Haase, Frederik; Craig, Gavin A.; Bonneau, Mickaele; Sugimoto, Kunihisa; Furukawa, Shuhei. Application In Synthesis of 2,5-Dimethoxytetrahydrofuran And the article was included in Journal of the American Chemical Society in 2020. The article conveys some information:

Reticular framework materials thrive on designability, but unexpected reaction outcomes are crucial in exploring new structures and functionalities. By combining “”incompatible”” building blocks, we employed geometric frustration in reticular materials leading to emergent structural features. The combination of a pseudo-C5-sym. organic building unit based on a pyrrole core with a C4-sym. copper paddlewheel synthon led to three distinct frameworks by tuning the synthetic conditions. The frameworks show structural features typical for geometric frustration: self-limiting assembly, internally stressed equilibrium structures, and topol. defects in the equilibrium structure, which manifested in formation of a hydrogen-bonded framework, distorted and broken secondary building units, and dangling functional groups, resp. The influence of geometric frustration on the CO2 sorption behavior and the discovery of a new secondary building unit shows geometric frustration can serve as a strategy to obtain highly complex porous frameworks.2,5-Dimethoxytetrahydrofuran(cas: 696-59-3Application In Synthesis of 2,5-Dimethoxytetrahydrofuran) was used in this study.

2,5-Dimethoxytetrahydrofuran(cas: 696-59-3) is a member of ether. Friedel Crafts reaction, for example, adds an alkyl or acyl group to aromatic ethers when they react with an alkyl or acyl halide in the presence of a Lewis acid as a catalyst.Application In Synthesis of 2,5-Dimethoxytetrahydrofuran

Tetrahydrofuran – Wikipedia,
Tetrahydrofuran | (CH2)3CH2O – PubChem